196 Bronson

The Bronson - Cancelled? Sold? Rentals?!

Bronson Condos Ottawa Rental
Bronson Ottawa Condo

In a recent Globe and Mail article it was mentioned that Lamb Development has sold the "$90-million condo project... to an investor". The article implies that Brad Lamb sold the building to an investor who is turning the project into a rental building. Bronson is/was located at 196 Bronson Ave.

Digging further, Fortress Real Developments has announced that the development team submitted a revised development application for Bronson back in October for review by the city. "The 21 storey, 212 unit apartment project is currently being contemplated as a rental as opposed to a condominium." as per their website.

Stay tuned!

View the Globe and Mail article HERE. Excerpt "Even Toronto’s “condo king” Brad Lamb has turned to the rental market, recently selling a $90-million condo project called the Bronson in Ottawa to an investor. When Mr. Lamb unveiled the project in 2013, Ottawa’s condo market was booming, but it has cooled off amid a glut of new construction. “By the time we had closed on the project the market had shifted significantly,” said Ben Myers of Fortress Real Developments, which was financing the project. “A lot of projects came in on a few years and it was just too much.” -